Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Little Bit Of Luxury

Every now and then even the frugallest of Frugal Mavens needs a bit of luxury. This Frugal Maven has a scarf fetish to go with the shoe and purse and glove fetish and the nonceasing purchase of books. No wonder we can't afford to buy laundry detergent and have to make it instead. While cruising a consignment shop this weekend I scored this fabulous find, a cashmere/silk Pucci scarf, stunningly modeled by long-suffering Benz. It was $79, way, way, way off its' original cost but still a pricey purchase for someone in frugal mode. Well, I really don't care. Sometimes you just have to spend a little mad money. I wore my new used scarf today since it is winter again this week in Kentucky. And I looked marvelous and felt marvelous. Worth every penny!


Treehouse Chef said...

Go Girl! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

It's truly sad when your friend's dog dresses better than you do. Love that scarf!! You MUST take me consignment shopping with you sometime so I can at least get a gorgeous scarf.

Frugal Maven said...

Susan, I would love to go consignment shopping with you. Benzie does look fab, doesn't he? He actually wears it better than I do. Thanks!

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